Monday, September 24, 2007


The response to the CD so far has been really amazing — it's awesome to get mail from people you don't know (all over the world — Tenerife, Canary Islands and Germany this last week!) regarding your music. It's really odd to get mail from famous people. . .people you admire. It's all new to me. . . But I knew the day would come when I received my first negative comment. And that day has arrived! (Whoo hoo!?) On YouTube. ?

?"The iTunes version sucks. This version is great." -nvboi84, (regarding the studio version of "Why")

??I must confess -- my initial instinct was to remove this remark! No one wants to read negative comments about work that you pour all of your heart into. But everyone has to deal with occasional criticism and I'm pretty tough. So, instead, I clicked onto this guy's profile and saw that he was 22. Chances are he just speaks his mind a LITTLE more BLUNTLY than someone a bit older — say, my age. ;) And all he is probably really (tactlessly) saying is that he prefers the live version over the studio version. . . Everyone has the right to their opinion. . . absolutely. Candidly, I think had I heard Annie & Dave's LIVE version of "Here Comes The Rain Again" from their concerts CD before I heard the studio single, I, too could have been disappointed with the latter. Just my preference . . . (smirk) ;) ?

?You know what? I also have to admit when I FIRST recorded the studio version last year, I wasn't satisfied with it. I used to walk around NYC listening to our studio work in my iPod wondering what it was "lacking." I love Jeff's original playing and my voice in the live rehearsal version just seemed to have more somber intimacy to it. It was a one-take, explorative jam — a very special moment for us both. I was so in love with the live video, too, because, while "not a performance," I think WATCHING the song being sung adds another element that you don't necessarily get when just LISTENING to it. . . ??

So, I had to divorce my mind from the live version, go back into the studio and create something new that felt as authentic to me on that day as what we had experienced 6 months prior — I had to center myself in the moment and give it everything I was CURRENTLY feeling, not try to recreate something. I reworked the studio version, laying down a completely new vocal in the same, honest style as the rest of the album. . . . Maybe I shaped the words I especially felt a bit more to communicate what wasn't seen? Maybe it turned out a bit more . . ."theatrical?" I don't think so. If anything, maybe it's a bit more "clean" in production -- which I guess could translate to some as "detached?" But TODAY I actually prefer the studio version in many ways. I think the end builds better. I like the quiet vocal overdubs we did (almost like the voices in one's own head). I think it is different, but just as valid. In the same way any live performance varies from it's studio brother. . . Listening to the studio version, I think you'll find the same thing. And, hey, if you love the "live" version and aren't satisfied with your iTunes-studio-version, go to my website and send me a note -- I'll email you a mp3 of the live version. Thanks for listening and for your support, YouTubers. You guys are awesome. ;) -db


I wanted to share something with my friends:??As you guys know, I just completed a CD and it just pre-released it on my website and on the record label's site. Song 3 on my CD, "MORE THAN THIS," was written by Stephen Schwartz (lyrics by Dean Pitchford). For those of you who don't know his work, Stephen Schwartz is one of the most popular and commercially successful Broadway composers of all time. He wrote "WICKED," "PIPPIN," "GODSPELL" among others as well as the music to Disney's "POCAHONTAS" and "THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME" and DreamWorks' "THE PRINCE OF EGYPT," including the Academy Award winning song, "When You Believe," recorded by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston — all amazing stuff. Dean Pitchford wrote the script and songs to both the film and Broadway production of "FOOTLOOSE," and some of the tunes in "FAME," among others. So, yeah, they're both "fairly established." ;) ??Which is why I was so amazed and proud to have the following e-mails forwarded to me from my label producer last week:?
--------------------------- ?
"Hi Lee: Just wanted to let you know I listened to the "More Than This" recording and really liked it a lot. In fact, I sent it to Dean (who wrote the lyrics), because I thought it turned out so well. Please thank Mr. Britton for me for his excellent rendition of the song, and thanks to you and John as well for the swell production. Liked his voice and a lot of the rest of the CD too -- glad you included "Run Away With Me", which is such an amazing song! xo as always, Stephen"
In response to receiving our version of his song, Dean Pitchford wrote back to Stephen Schwartz (who forwarded it to Lee, who then forwarded it to me): ". . .Thanks for the terrific recording of "More Than This." Who's this Dwayne Britton? I like what he does with our song very much. . ."??
Yeah, that'll make one's day, huh? ;)??